Next available dates:
20th and 21st April – 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Our Mental Health Masterclass will give you an overview of some common mental health issues as well as an understanding of how mental illness can develop and most importantly an understanding around how to create a workplace environment that is conducive to positive mental wellbeing.
You will understand your legal obligations as an employer. The workshop will cover the theory and you will then have the opportunity to put into practice what you have learnt in a safe environment with the use of case studies.
This course is aimed at supervisors and managers, working at any level of experience who manage individuals and teams.
An interactive and relaxed learning environment. While we will be using case studies towards the end of the workshop to put into practice what you have learnt – we welcome you to bring along your own examples (as long as real names are not used and confidentiality is observed at all times) to ensure you get the most out of the workshop from a practical perspective.
The course will cover:
After the session delegates will:
Why as an employer should I attend?
You will understand your legal obligations as an employer in this subject area as well as gaining a greater understanding of mental health which will help you to tailor your interactions with your people and be confident in promoting a mentally healthy workplace
What are the benefits to me of attending this course?
Having a greater understanding of mental health creates empathy. This plays a huge part in building employee engagement and can have an impact on cost reduction of working days lost due to absence because you are better equipped to support people in the workplace
What will my ‘takeaways’ from the course be?
In addition to the learning objectives of the course, you will leave having written a wellbeing plan for your organisation ready for you to implement straight away. If you choose to bring some real-life examples to work through you will also leave with a planned approach for each (and if you don’t have your own examples we will use case studies to guide you ready for when a real-life situation occurs)
Jennifer has 13 years leadership experience in a corporate, high pressured environment. She has managed large teams of 120+ in more recent years and has vast experience of supporting individuals with mental ill health in the workplace. Recently trained as an instructor for Mental Health First Aid England, Jennifer has a passion to develop the skills in the workplace to create environments that are conducive to good mental health and wellbeing
The Course will run from 10am – 4.00pm. Includes lunch and refreshments.