Search Optimisation Masterclass

Blue Sky SEO Marketing Agency
21 Aug 24

Search Engine Optimisation Masterclass

Getting Found In Google Searches!

The course

How to optimise a website using the Search Console and other tools so the pages rank high in the Google Search Engine Results Pages.

What to expect?

Understanding SEO Basics
Learning the fundamentals of search engine optimisation.

Utilising Google Search Console
Leveraging the features and functionalities of Google Search Console.

Carry out keywords research
Understanding the usage and benefits of some of the tools.

Content Optimisation Techniques
Enhancing website content for improved search engine rankings.

Analysing and Implementing SERP Strategies
Understanding strategies to improve Google SERP rankings.

Mobile Optimisation for SEO
Enhancing website performance for mobile search rankings.

Monitoring and Adjusting SEO Strategies
Monitoring website performance and adjusting SEO strategies as needed.

Is it for you?

Company directors, sales, marketing and customer services staff, self-employed and startups looking to creating their own website.

Often the web presence of a company is created and managed by an external agency or an internal team. Directors and staff often have very little understanding of what’s involved to make the phone ring, orders and enquiries to be received, or what the marketing team or agency actually do to maintain the presence and drive traffic to the website.

To maximise sales, appreciate the budgetary requirements and overcome internal issues between departments, a good understanding of how everything fits together is essential.

This day long course will take you behind the scenes using WordPress, reveal some of the tools required to get higher up the rankings and have your questions answered.

The outcome

The business has an opportunity to improve its overall online visibility, drive more organic traffic, enhance mobile performance, and achieve higher search engine rankings, leading to increased customer engagement and business growth.

It will also be able to set realistic budgets within its marketing plan, decide whether to keep this in-house or outsource and prioritise the spend.

The trainer

David of Blue Sky Marketing AgencyDavid Robertson of Blue Sky SEO Marketing is a specialist working for all kinds of businesses, building websites, Google Business Profiles, email campaigns, videos, social media, sending press releases and creating SEO rich content.

With over 30 years experience of marketing, he’s worked with many marketing agencies and a has a long track record of success in many sectors, including projects with local authorities and other public sector organisations.

He is Google Analytics & Ads Certified and SFEDI Business Consultant Accredited via the Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative.


“I got David to start an seo campaign for me and what can I say !!!! The man is fantastic at what he does and he’s quick!!!  5 star work would recommend.”

“Extremely efficient and helpful.  ‘Blue Sky Thinking’ definitely made me feel as though anything is possible and has helped enormously.  Very effective. Thank you David.”

“As a small business owner we spend too much time working in the business and not enough working on the business. As a result our digital presence really needed the health check that David provided. He has great enthusiasm for helping businesses get recognised and his specialised knowledge means he has the tools to help your business fly.”

Marketing Masterclass Series, 9.30am to 4pm

Airedale Enterprise, Sunderland Street, Worth Way, Keighley, West Yorkshire. BD21 5LE

£195 + vat per masterclass, or 10% off for two or 20% off for three or four classes, paid in advance.

Email Wendy Spencer of Airedale Enterprise via, tel 01535 607775

Your own lunch and a laptop so you can access the wifi and receive advice on your own web presence at the end of the session (not essential).

Trainer David Robertson

Blue Sky SEO Marketing Agency

Additional Info

Getting found by your potential customers in Google searches!

Business Support and Training | Airedale Enterprise Services