Keighley businesses to get a free taste of customer service training!
7th August 2018
Businesses in Keighley and surrounding areas are being given the opportunity to get a free sample of the WorldHost® customer service training programme, which has been used to train over 200,000 people in the UK, at a local event on Wednesday 26th September 2018. The free taster session is being hosted by Airedale Enterprise Services and Shipley College. Local businesses will be able to experience some of the training exercises from the programme and find out how they can use WorldHost to benefit their organisations.
WorldHost training covers the key principles of customer service, plus additional modules on dealing with customers with disabilities, providing services to visitors from different cultures, increasing sales through service and developing support staff and volunteers into ambassadors for your local area. Additional programmes are also available to train managers to lead their teams to deliver excellent service.
Linda O’Donnell from Shipley College says: “Customer service is becoming increasingly important for businesses,. Research found that 61% of those businesses think customer service will be the most important skills need for their staff over the next five years.
“WorldHost training has been used by leading brands across the UK including Monarch, Chelsea Football Club, Bourne Leisure and Merlin Entertainments, and it can help your business attract and retain customers too. This is a great opportunity to find out more about WorldHost at no cost and ‘try before you buy’. It’s also a chance to network with other local firms.”
Businesses that train 50% of their front line staff using any of the WorldHost programmes can apply to become a WorldHost Recognised Business – a national badge of excellence that allows them to display the WorldHost logo on their website and marketing materials, and receive a plaque to display in their business.
Towns, cities and tourist resorts that train 25% of businesses to WorldHost Recognised Business standards can also apply to become WorldHost Recognised Destinations and build their profile as a tourist destination.
The taster session will take place at Airedale Enterprise Services from 6pm – 8pm on Wednesday 26th September. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis Businesses that are interested in attending the session can find out more and book their place by contacting Lynne Henry on 01535 607775.
WorldHost customer service training has been used to train over 200,000 people in the UK, including tens of thousands of volunteers and staff at major events such as the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympics.
Originally developed in Canada – widely recognised as the leading global destination for visitor welcome – and adapted for the UK market by performance and talent management expert, the WorldHost programmes provide a gold standard in training for any business that relies on day-to-day interaction with customers for success. All WorldHost trainers are quality assured and are regularly tested to ensure they continue to deliver world-class customer service training.
WorldHost® is a registered trademark of go2 Tourism HR Society. Used under license.
To book your place(s) please follow this link BOOK NOW