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Five top Q&A’s for Essential HR for Leaders

By Sarah Seastron, Clockwork HR Ltd


When does an employee need a contract of employment?

Currently an employee should have a contract of employment within 8 weeks of their start date. However, next year this is changing to day one of employment.

What is a protected characteristic?

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sex orientation.

What is a disciplinary procedure?

In line with the ACAS code the main stages are: investigation, disciplinary hearing, appeal.

How do you deal with someone who has intermittent absence?

First stage is to speak to the employee and find out if there are any specific reasons for the intermittent absence. Explain the impact on their absence and look to take a more formal route such as disciplinary action if it continues.

What is the current statutory holiday entitlement?

28 days for a full time member of staff or 5.6 weeks. This statutory amount can include bank holidays of which there are 8 in the UK.


Next course will take place on 24th September – please click here for the course outline

Succession Planning Workshop

6 top questions for business succession planning

by Sue Hanson,  BSH People Ltd


When should I start business succession planning?

Ideally, when you start your business – you should plan how you want your business to develop and your eventual exit strategy. Don’t leave it till the time you want to sell – you may have missed opportunities, or lost good people, that would have improved the value of your business.


Surely, it’s easy to sell your business for the price you think it’s worth?

Valuation can be a contentious minefield – businesses, like houses, are only worth what the buyer is prepared to pay, and typically they want to pay as little as possible by finding faults that will drive the price down.


What are the options for my exit strategy?

There are five options – these are explained clearly and in detail with their associated advantages and disadvantages


In a family business, how do I meet the needs of all the family involved when I want to sell?

Family members involved in the business may have different needs in a proposed sale – we’ll discuss how to manage possible family conflict and how to negotiate the “best option” for all.


Are there tax and legal implications when selling a business?

Of course, and some are to the advantage of a small business. Learn about the financial and legal implications for different sales options from Debbie Whitaker, MD of Not Just Numbers, who will answer your questions


What do I need to do with my employees to make my business sales-ready?

Identify and develop your key people whose knowledge will be essential to a future buyer – we’ll help you plan how to tie in key employees, so they add value to the sale.


What will I gain out of this day?

The opportunity to discuss the future options for your business with other small business owners in a confidential environment

Clear understanding on how to identify and practically develop your key people to take the business forward

Your financial questions answered by the MD of a highly successful Yorkshire-based accountancy company

A take-away workbook to create your business succession plan.


 Next course taking place on 22nd October – please Click Here for the course outline 

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